You are here: BlueCielo Meridian Enterprise Administrator's Guide > Optimizing performance > Optimizing server hardware > Understanding the effects of physical memory

Understanding the effects of physical memory

Adequate physical memory also affects server responsiveness, but to a lesser degree than the CPU, and has a greater effect on the ability of a Meridian application server to handle large numbers of users and many documents.

The amount of total memory used by the Meridian EDM Server process depends primarily on the following factors:

These memory pools and others that are present in most servers are illustrated in the following figure for 32-bit servers.

As you can see, after a Meridian application server boots and all applications are loaded, there are only two memory pools that are variable in size, the user sessions pool and the database caches. Without enough physical memory for either of these, performance will begin to suffer. It is also at that point that virtual memory performance becomes a major factor, as described in Understanding the effects of virtual memory.

There are no size recommendations for these pools that apply to every configuration. Each limits the maximum size of the other. More users can be accommodated by fewer and smaller vaults, more and larger vaults can only accommodate fewer users. But the approximate size of each can be calculated with the following formulas:

Calculating the size of the cache for a vault that doesn't exist yet, is more complicated. The approximate size can be predicted by the following formula:

Hypertrieve database file size = # documents X # avg. revisions per document X (# avg. properties per document X avg. property size)

Following is an example calculation:

50,000 documents X 3 avg. revisions per document X (75 avg. properties per document X 4 Bytes) = 45 MB

These sizes are the same for both 32-bit and 64-bit servers. If the desired number of users and vaults cannot be accommodated with these constraints, solutions you should considered include:

Note    Installing the Meridian 64-bit edition components on a computer running a Windows Server 64-bit edition operating system provides the best possible performance while also providing additional memory for larger vaults and 40-50 more concurrent users.

For recommended configurations for various ranges of users and database sizes, see About Meridian deployment strategies.

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Optimizing server hardware

Understanding the effects of a dedicated server

Understanding the effects of virtualization software

Understanding the effects of the CPU

Understanding the effects of disk subsystems